i write about what i love to watch and hate to hear, what i don't like to see and what i can't wait to listen to.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

super-cuh, uh, em, super-cuh...


I don't really know what to say about Mary Poppins, so isn't that what you say?

I mean, it is seriously one of my favorite Disney classics. You can't go wrong with serving penguins, "posts everyone!", and Dick Van Dyke. Along with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, this has to be a Dick Van Dyke favorite. I just love the chimney sweep dance scene and the chalk drawings and the fact that he has about 30 different professions throughout the film. Julie Andrews is just "practically perfect in every way." Mr. Banks has that funny mustache that makes you focus on his funny-looking face. Mrs. Banks is just plain politically confused and wears the same dress everyday! The cook and the maid have the worst singing voices. The neighbor has some degree of separation anxiety. with Her Majesty's Navy. And then there's that part when the nannies are being blown away by the wind and the last one has her legs all sprawled out and is tooting away by the sound of a tuba.

Of course there is the animation, which is my favorite part; the penguins, the farm animals, and that band with the short skinny husband and the big fat wife! Every minute there is something to laugh about. Then lets not forget the clever one-liners for the adults who are smart enough to catch them. (Mrs. Banks: I'm sorry, dear, but when I chose Katie Nana, I thought she would be firm with the children. She looked so solemn and cross. George Banks: My dear, never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint.) For it's time (and all-time for that matter) it is an awesome movie, and paved the way for the Disney film industry to succeed in both live action and animated films...

Horseman: View halloo! (crystal smiles)
Horse: Oh, yes, definitely. A view halloo. (crystal laughs)
Fox: View halloo? Faith and begora, 'tis them redcoats again! (crystal laughs outloud)

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