i write about what i love to watch and hate to hear, what i don't like to see and what i can't wait to listen to.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Who won Super Bowl Fourty Four

I had someone tell me today that they went to a super bowl party and no one there knew the band the Who...wtf??!! I had the chance to see them perform life once while working in Fresno (circa 2006) for an event arena and let's just say you HAVE to see the light show in person! I was very impressed that it was a simple performance with BIG TIME lights. That stage was just amazing, not to mention they sang all the best songs.

Oh yeah....YAY Saints!! You know everyone was rooting for them to win. It was so uplifting. What was NOT uplifting was the score. I lost $5 to a stupid bet that was screwed up by a missed field goal and an onside kick! I will still laugh at every Peyton Manning commercial though.
The commercials were not that impressive. The Brett Farve one annoyed me cause it's TRUE! (Ok I guess it is funny because it's true). The only one that made me giggle was the one with Leno, Oprah, and Letterman...oh and maybe the one Doritos commercial where the kid slaps the dude scaming on his chips, but other than that I got up and baked cookies instead of watching most of the game. The "Late Night" commercial was definitely unexpected and it had people boasting about it on the radio this morning. I love late night TV and it was cool of CBS to throw that up there "in light" of the recent "late night TV drama."

Now on to my favorite super bowl moment...
This moment actually happened before the game, and even on Friday before the game. I usually think Ross Matthews is funny, especially when he is on Chelsea Lately, but this clip made him EXTRA funny to me.
"I have a list like that, it's called my Toudouze list."
This Ross the Intern video clip is so funny, which goes back to my thoughts on the whole Leno Show and Late Night...I like them all. I'm gonna miss Conan, but you know what, Leno has some quality left too! It's video shorts like these that make me appreciate late night television. (Here is the link if the video does not play below: http://www.thejaylenoshow.com/video/clips/ross-at-super-bowl/1199597)

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